Obsession, Inspiration and Making a Difference with Passion.

Are you making a difference with passion?

I get a lot of emails; I am on a lot of email lists. This kind of work requires me to keep up as we are in constant change. It also means I get to read some great emails from some brilliant people. I want to tell you about an email I received from Scott Oldford.

But first, are you passionate, obsessed and inspired, do you leap out of bed determined to get on with your day. I know at least one person who jumps out of bed into a cold shower because it sets the theme for the day.

Morning Routines

making a difference with passionMy normal routine is up at 7 am and writing with a pen for 30 minutes. Some of my more productive friends would call that late. For me, it is about the drive and a connection to a thing that is greater than me.

Back to Scott, from my perspective, he is a young man, in his 30s and he has the passion of youth. He has been a serial entrepreneur going from nothing to riches to nearly a million in debt and back out again in just a few years.


In Scott’s email he was talking obsession and passion, (hence the subject line) this was the bit that took my interest.

“Are you in true alignment with your vision and purpose.

“If you don’t know of my vision, it’s huge. Like, really big.
In order to wake up at 3:30 am every morning. In order to produce the way I do.

You have to be in true alignment with that vision and purpose. And part of all of this is ensuring that you continue to fall in love with your purpose. That doesn’t happen by mistake. You get to choose your destiny for it. If you don’t do things that remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing. You’re screwed — really screwed. You must surround yourself with things that inspire you.”

Wow, he does strike a cord what is it that inspires you in your work? If you can communicate that passion, it is infectious. I read Scott’s emails always because they make me feel good.

I am the catalyst creating change
and making a difference with passion. making a difference with passion

The passion in my business is seeing a client move to the next level. It happens when I listen as they speak about why they do what they do. I hear that energy in the voice and together we discover how to communicate it on the page or through a video. It is seeing the result of that passion translate to engagement and sales.

The truth is when you share your passion; your customers will love you and your business because they want a piece of it.

My passion and purpose is about
moving people forward in life and
business and making a difference
in the world.

The ritual that leads to clarity

My morning ritual is for me, and the writing gives it space. By writing whatever comes into my head there is freedom, no editing straight onto the page even if it is swearing and moaning or, “I do not know what to write now and hate it ” it goes on the page.

I will express gratitude and appreciation for things, people or life and then re-affirm my 90-day goals and direction. I connect with my passion and vision for the greater future.

That is the first 30 minutes of my day and it is precious.

What does your morning look like? Are you ready to stand up and begin making a difference with passion.?

Where is the passion in your business,

Share it below now, take a moment and connect with it, now tell us about it. Let’s share some passion and feel good about it. This post is also on Linkedin share your comments there for some broader feedback.

Not Feeling it!

If you are not sure about your passion or how to connect with it, try taking time and writing. If you want to explore with some support check out the results in 90 day product, passion is part of the process.

How to get results in 90 days.


Why do people buy & the scale of market awareness.

Why do people buy
Why do people buy, what are the stages

There is the route or the journey to a sale.

I have spoken on this blog many times about the sales journey. Why do people buy, when speaking about this I often liken it to the process of buying a new car?

You might be happy with your car until your circumstances change:

That could be a change of job where you need to make longer journeys or to carry more stuff. Maybe the family needs have changed or the car is just getting old and unreliable.

Now the journey to the new car begins. What are you going to buy, how will it be financed, how to find it, second hand or a dealer and on and on….

These ideas were brought back to me last week while watching a webinar on copywriting. Lukas Resheske is a direct response copywriter, he is writing copy for some of the biggest names on the Internet. Direct response is the type of writing that gets people to take action, it can be websites, but more often it is letters and direct mailing.

Why do people buy

There were many useful nuggets in this conversations, but the biggest take-away for me was the idea of a scale for market awareness. In the model that Lukas describes there are 5 layers to the scale, at one end is the core audience and at the other is the no interest prospect.

I spoke to Lukas following the webinar to get more clarity on his model.

” I didn’t develop the original idea, but I modified it heavily when I talk about it. The original concept is in Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz, but Gene wrote BA in 1966, before the Internet and social media. My Awareness levels are modified accordingly. ”  Lukas Resheske

Check out the video below for a full explanation.

I hope you found this useful, check out the youtube channel or the market-that facebook page for other videos and useful content.

To your success

Paul Harvey

PS. If you are looking for support with digital marketing book a discovery conversation it is FREE and a great opportunity to see what is possible for your business.

Discovery call

How to get results in 90 days.