It is very easy to set plans and goals, but when the realities of each day overtake us, those plans often feel elusive and distant.

The truth is nothing will change if you keep doing what you have always done. If you want to things to change you have to make room for that change to happen.

Setting Priorities

So the first hurdle with any goal is to make room for it in your busy schedule. The next is to keep it as a priority no matter what else is going on.

Having set your priority, there are inevitably going to be tasks that you don’t enjoy, or times when you feel stuck and just avoid what in necessary. Keeping to your plan when you meet these challenges is the third and most difficult hurdle of all. I have worked with 100’s of people, and I see this every day. I even experience it myself, so I know how hard it is to stay motivated when it is easier to just give up or put the task off for another less busy day.

The problem is that ‘less busy day’ never comes and before long your goal has once again become elusive and distant.

Will Power Is Not Enough

Will power is a limited resource. At the start of the day when the mind is fresh, it is easy to say you will push through. However, a few unexpected tasks, conversations or meetings later and all that resolve has dissolved into exhaustion and overload. There are good physiological reasons for this loss of performance, our brain only has so much capacity each day so we must choose our priorities carefully.

Holding To A Plan Requires Accountability

One of the best ways to stay on track is to have an accountability partner. This can be a co-operative process with a friend or work colleague, but to work at it’s optimum there must be no collusion.

We all love to support people, and we want to show we care. However, tough love is a skill not many of us have. This is where coaching comes in to its own.

With a professional coach, you can talk through the issues and gain insights and support that is often not available with friends and colleagues. Focus Coaching is a technique I discovered during my coaching training and have developed to support my clients in successfully setting and achieving their goals.

The Focus Coaching Technique

Focus Coaching supports you in fast tracking your way to success. The process encourages you to stay focused on the bigger picture and set achievable goals to stay on track. It requires financial commitment and self discipline, but my unique packages also includes personal rewards to help you celebrate every achievement along the way.

The Process:

You book your appointments at times that suits you.

We meet in Zoom for private one-2-one sessions that are recorded.

Sessions are time restricted, so it is important to be well prepared and focused.

In the first session we discuss your goal and strategy for achieving it. We then set a time frame for the outcome and you leave with your first achievable step and the date by which you will have achieved it.

A recording of the session will be sent to you along with a booking link to set your next session.

You are personally responsible for setting each achievable step and the time frame for completing it.

You must complete the agreed task before booking your next session (absolutely no excuses accepted).

In each consecutive session we discuss the next step, the commitment required to achieve it and set a date for it to be completed by.

A financial reward is applied to every achievement completed within the agreed time frame.

No matter whether the goal is personal or for your business, the reward is a personal payment to be used in celebrating your achievement.

Personal Value

Everyone has a different perspective on value and it is reflected in everything we do. Financial value is often depicted by our level of income, and where we spend our money is determined by what we value most. Likewise the people we choose to spend time with is determined by how much we value them in our lives.

Although our daily activities strongly reflect these values, we seldom give them conscious consideration. Even more overlooked is how we value ourselves. Sadly, we often use negative experiences to undervalue who we are and what we bring to the world. It is time to change all that.

Celebrating Your Achievements

Focus Coaching not only supports you in setting and achieving goals, it supports you in valuing your contribution to the world and the work that you do.

Celebrations, big and small are a way of honouring a right of passage. This can be a birth, coming of age, business promotion, marriage or even divorce. Although often a sombre occasion a funeral is also a valuable way of celebrating someone’s life and contribution to others.

Celebrating an achievement gives it focus and meaning. It is how we determine value and success. The greater the achievement the more likely we are to celebrate it. So the most wonderful way to honour your own achievements is to celebrate them.

This is why we have incorporated rewards into your Focus Coaching achievements.

Choosing Your Focus Coaching Package

Imagine how you will feel when you achieve your goal. The relief, the joy the well deserved pride. The more you value your goal the greater the reward should be for every step you take towards it. That is why the fees are set-up for you to set your own level of reward, and we encourage you to be generous.

The money received for achieving your goals on time is not a refund. It is a personal reward for your commitment to each task. So even if the end goal is for your business, the reward should still be a personal gift to you and used to celebrate in any way you choose.

With this in mind there is an option to have your reward payments sent to a different account.

Contract Agreement

In addition to defining your goal and setting the achievement steps, the first session is about us getting to know each other. By the end of this session we will have establishing the best way I can support you in achieving your goal and we will have a clear action plan for the steps involved.

Following the first session you have 7 days to pull out of the commitment and receive a full refund. After this period the commitment is set and no further refunds are available.

It is your responsibility to set each individual goal and the time frame you require for achieving it. Rewards will only be released if the next meeting is scheduled within the agreed time frame.

I look forward to supporting you and celebrating your successes every step of the way. Paul Harvey