WordPress blog categories explained

Organise Your Categories & Tags

I was looking at a blog this morning and noticed the piece I was reading was an Uncategorized post.

That mean’t that it had no index label to describe it. I suspected that all of the posts on this site were in this group. The clue was in the big list on the sidebar under related posts. In fact all of these were all unrelated articles in one big category, it was quite overwhelming.




The category system is one of those tools in WordPress that often gets overlooked; more so now that the platform is used to build websites, this is unfortunate as the feature is part of the database system used to build the software.

Having set up some sites recently using WordPress, this setup or structure can get neglected and not even mentioned in the setup documentation for the site theme.

WordPress was always a content management system before a website platform; Category labels must be defined as part of the site development and will be relevant to your content.

A blog about triathlon might have the following

Interval Training

Each of these headings may have a subheading about the primary subject. For example, Running might have Interval Training

When writing, each post is assigned a category. It is this process that makes the blog accessible and searchable, and it is also a key tool for making the site relevant to the reader and a basis for good search engine optimization. (SEO)

The next stage is tags, these are effectively keywords and can be used to join categories together. With the good structure and well-placed tags, a site with a lot of posts can offer a good visitor experience. The reader can find other content of interest and move around the site with ease.

When setting up your categories think about the different subjects you will write about and how to group them. If you have been blogging for some time, it is good practice to review your categories and tags.

To see your current category structure go to posts tab on the dashboard and categories should appear, click that tab to see the structure. See the video below for a demonstration. Also for more information about categories and tags check out the article at the bottom of the post from Matt Zak.

On a personal note, a few years back the blog on this site had a messy structure until it was pointed out. Once I had set up my categories, I had a problem with Uncategorized. These were some posts that did not fit my new categories, so I changed it to “Ramblings” as these postings and were outside of my normal subject, but still valid for the blog. It is
not good practice to have a lot of these; maybe I need to revisit my structure.

The key point is we are writing for our visitors. We need to make the user experience more readable, easier to find related material that will keep them interested and sharing our content.

Matt Zak article

WordPress Categories vs Tags: How Do I Use Them on My Blog?

Move your marketing to the next level

Are you looking to move your marketing to the next level?

Paul HarveyHave you thought of joining a webinar based training and support group?

Following a recent post on Facebook I have been thinking about how to serve those looking to market their own projects. Over the last few years it has been getting more difficult to make a mark in both the on and off line world.

In my opinion much of this is down to the growth of media channels, our customers are now spread out across a range of platforms. Keeping up with it all can feel like running backwards.

During this time I have developed a system that simplifies the process taking out much of the running. It is something that can be applied to any size of project although does require funding.

The internet has moved out of FREE both Facebook and Google are now pay to play environments. We can lament the passing of free traffic or see it as a great opportunity. The combination of a little money spent in the right places and some free web visitors can take your project above the competition that are still looking for a free lunch.

If you are looking to move your project to the next level and would like to be part of a webinar based training and support group please complete the form below.

There is no obligation in this, it is just a fact finding mission on may part. Any information that you give will be in confidence and will support the development of a programme.

I look forward to reading your comments

Paul Harvey


Marketing Training & Support Group


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Managing the Email Madness

Managing the email madness, I love email but there are time when the inbox becomes a filing cabinet. Below is an interesting video from Google Tech Talks. Merlin Man has a concept call “Zero Inbox”. That means every time you check the email you process and empty. Here is a 5 step process to tame the email madness.

Email Choices
Choices for an email

There areĀ  5 options are Delete, Delegate, Respond defer and Do.

He is not big on filing. I do not agree with this, I keep emails (particularly training) from my competitors or aligned businesses. I like to look for pattern, see the promotions and timing of promotions.



I have several email addresses and use an alias, this keep clutter out of the inbox. The video is worth a look, you may want to skip through bits as it is over an hour. ( I did )

I hope you find it useful.